First quarter *tick*
Hello, April! How time flies when you’re having fun. Well, ‘fun’ is a subjective word, but our first quarter has been undeniably busy. Fact. Here’s what’s been keeping us on our toes and what we’re up to next.
Enrich B2B
Our new tool that validates whether a lead still works at a company with real-time lookups against their LinkedIn profile, has got off to a great start. Enrich B2B has had positive feedback and new clients signing up. Since its launch we’ve already made some tweaks to our beta product. It’s now faster, so when a customer searches for data, they’ll get a response in under one second. Its capacity has increased too, so the amount of data that can be processed at the same time on the platform has grown.
What’s next? Well, we’re already planning a newly designed UI and website and improved search function.
Leads United
After 18-months in the making, we’re finally about to launch Leads United. Our clever sales leads comparison platform puts buyers and sellers of contact data in touch with each other, cutting out the middleman and giving you more value, security and choice. We’ve done our first investor’s pitch which was pretty intense (other word for ‘sweat-inducing’), and our actual launch is in three weeks’ time.
Certifications, renewed contracts and overseas news
We’re happy to announce we’ve just agreed to another year with The Marketing Practice (formerly Kingpin). Supporting their development with Argus, the purpose-built demand orchestration and account intelligence tool for B2B sales and marketing teams.
In February we were awarded our Cyber Essentials certificate recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre. Giving us peace of mind that we’re up to date with cyber-attack prevention. Next on our list for May is getting our GDPR UKAS accredited certification, too.
Our project manager from Delhi, Amit is finally relocating to join us in London, arriving just in time for the Easter weekend. It’s been three years in the waiting as Covid put a stop to the 2020 move. He’s worked with our Argus team for four years and it will be the first time they’ll be meeting in person.
High Digital is now officially incorporated in Kenya, where we’re looking to expand. We’re busy recruiting for an East Africa team. Lots of potential projects and clients are in talks for spring.
That’s it for now, folks! Wishing you all a happy Easter and a well-deserved break.